Meeting Minutes

5/10/2004 - Regular Term Meeting

Regular Term Meeting
May 10, 2004

The Tallapoosa County Commission held its regular scheduled meeting on May 10, 2004 at the Courthouse in Dadeville, AL at 9:00a.m. All commissioners were present. The Alexander City Outlook and Z97.3 were also present.

Chairman Coley called the meeting to order.

Commissioner Shaw gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Shaw made a motion to approve the April minutes. Commissioner Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Thweatt made a motion to approve the warrants. Commissioner Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Attachment

Commissioner Shaw made a motion to award the police car bid to Mike Patton Ford. Commissioner Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Bids attached.

Commissioner Thweatt made a motion to approve the proclamation for Law Enforcement Week, May 9-15, 2004. Commissioner Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Attachment

Dan Hart of the Volunteer Fire Department Association thanked the Commission for the insurance checks. He stated that planning for funding is being worked on with help from the Tax Accessors Office. Hart informed the Commission that the fire departments have met and will support a funding plan. The next task force meeting is Tuesday May 11, 2004 at 7:00p.m. at the forestry building. Hart also thanked the Commission for their support. Hart stated that the VFDA does not have the invoices for the books for the 160 class that the Commission approved.

Commissioner Thweatt made a motion to appoint John Stevenson to the East Alabama Mental Health Board to replace Jerry Bynum. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Allen made a motion to endorse the notification of tax abatement for Safa Systems. Commissioner Thweatt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Attachment

County Administrator Annette McGrady informed the Commission that the healthcare building has not been removed from the county's inventory, fixed assets, etc. McGrady announced that the building was given to the Alabama Healthcare Authority on December 11, 1997. Commissioner Thweatt made a motion to remove the building from the county's records. Commissioner Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve the resolution for Lower Tuskegee Road. Commissioner Thweatt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Attachment

Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve the resolution for Girls Ranch Road. Commissioner Thweatt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Attachment

Commissioner Thweatt made a motion to approve the resolution for Young's Ferry Road. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Attachment

Commissioner Thweatt made a motion to renew the Tallapoosa County Host Community Agreement with Tallassee Waste Disposal, Inc. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. Commissioners Shaw and Oliver voted yes. Chairman Coley abstained from voting. The motion passed. Attachment

Commissioner Shaw made a motion to distribute to monies for the 2004 A and 2004 B Gasoline Tax Warrants in the same percentage as in 2001. Chairman Coley seconded the motion. The motion failed by a 2-3 vote. Commissioner Shaw and Coley voted yes. Commissioners Oliver, Thweatt, and Allen voted no. Commissioner Allen made a motion to split the monies by the actual road miles per district. Commissioner Thweatt seconded the motion. The motion passed with a 3-2 vote. Commissioners Oliver, Thweatt, and Allen voted yes. Commissioners Shaw and Coley voted no.

Commissioner Thweatt made a motion to approve the proposal for ECE, Inc. for solid waste plan. Commissioner Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed with a 4-1 vote. Commissioners Shaw, Oliver, Coley, and Thweatt voted yes. Commissioner Allen voted no. Attachment

Commissioner Allen made a motion to seek bids for Wall Street/Walnut Hill CDBG Water Project. Commissioner Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Thweatt made a motion to formalize the resignation of Tallapoosa County's Participation to East Alabama Solid Waste Authority. Commissioner Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Thweatt made a motion to approve the appointment of Dave Heinzen to the Lake Martin Area Industrial Development Authority to replace Lamen Butcher. Commissioner Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Allen made a motion to table the approval of the Tallapoosa County Emergency Operations Plan. Commissioner Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Oliver made a motion to approve three part time employees for District 3. Commissioner Thweatt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Thweatt made a motion to approve four part time employees for district 4. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Revenue Commissioner, Linda Harris, informed the Commission that the tax sale is Wednesday May 12, 2004 at 10:00a.m. She also thanked the Commission and Maintenance Supervisor Mike Lucas for painting her office. Commissioner Allen stated that the Commission appreciates all that Harris does.

Sheriff Jimmy Abbett thanked the Commission for the Law Enforcement Week resolution. He invited the Commission to attend the annual memorial service Friday May 14, 2004 at 11:00 a.m.

EMA Director Joe Paul Boone stated that EMA would be hosting the countywide Drug Awareness Program at the end of June.

Anita Feltman of 911 announced that forty-eight houses were added to 911 in the month of April.

Sheriff Abbett asked for an update on the Buttston voting place. McGrady stated that the voting place had been changed from Dudleyville to Buttston Volunteer Fire Department and that letters have been sent to voters.

Commissioner Thweatt made a motion to seek bids for Shore Line Drive. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Allen made a motion to seek bids for a trailer low boy. Commissioner Thweatt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve a part time employee for district 5. Commissioner Thweatt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Coley thanked Rep. Betty Carol Graham for her work on Senate Bill 222 and House Bill 265.

Commissioner Allen made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:40a.m.

Thomas L. Coley Jr., District 1

Charles Shaw, District 2

Dylan Oliver, District 3

William Thweatt, District 4

Johnny Allen, District 5

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